At Bikefit Marlborough we welcome laybys & we are happy to store your purchase until required
Lay-by Terms and Conditions:
Deposit of 20% of must be paid on initiation of Lay-by.
Regular scheduled payments to Bikefit Marlborough must be made thereafter on a weekly or fortnightly basis.
If you lay-by an item/s that becomes a sale item during the term of your Lay-by, you accept this sale price does not apply to your lay-by.
The Lay-by option is only available to NZ residents.
All laybys, are the property of Bikefit Marlborough until payment in full has been received.
A Lay-by maybe cancelled at anytime, by written communication. On cancellation by either you or Bikefit Marlborough, we will credit your bank account for the amount of any payments you have made, less an admin fee of $50.
Lay-by’s must be paid off in full and collected within 3 months of initiation of Lay-by.
All Lay-bys still outstanding after 3 months will be cancelled, in accordance with clause 6, and items returned to stock.
We will comply with the Lay-by Act 1971.
For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions, “you” refers to our customer.
- A request to Lay-by is considered an agreement to the Terms and Conditions above.